Many Christians reject astrology – which began as a form of fortune telling - because particular verses within the Bible suggest that it is from the occult. Within 2 Kings 21:6 for example, practices associated with divination are said to anger God: ‘He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced divination sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.’ Also, within Isaiah 47:13 the predictions of astrologers are not to be believed.
Within their study (which I discussed in my last post) Glendinning and Bruce found that committed weekly Church-goers largely rejected alternative spirituality such as horoscopes, fortune telling, tarot cards and astrology. Participants who attended Church regularly were not likely to use divination by means of horoscopes or astrology or view them as important because these practices could be seen as irreligious or heretical. Therefore, those who have ‘increased sympathy’ for alternative spirituality are less likely to be regular Church-goers.
Within their study (which I discussed in my last post) Glendinning and Bruce found that committed weekly Church-goers largely rejected alternative spirituality such as horoscopes, fortune telling, tarot cards and astrology. Participants who attended Church regularly were not likely to use divination by means of horoscopes or astrology or view them as important because these practices could be seen as irreligious or heretical. Therefore, those who have ‘increased sympathy’ for alternative spirituality are less likely to be regular Church-goers.

It is clear that within Christianity the negativity towards astrology – and possibly horoscopes – has originated from the Biblical verses such as those above; but why is this? Why do many Christians today reject astrological/horoscope predictions?
Im a Christian and I read my horoscopes because I believe they can predict the future. I think many Christians don’t believe in them though. Maybe they believe we should get our answers from God instead of horoscopes.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with you. The Bible teaches that we should follow the teachings of Jesus: John 14:6; John 8:12; 2 Timothy 2:10. Therefore, Christians may reject horoscopes and astrology because they believe we should use the Bible to guide us rather than using horoscope predictions.
ReplyDeleteThis is also similar within Islam, which I discuss within my ‘Islam and Astrology’ post. The Qur’an teaches that ‘None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah…’ (Qur'an 27:65) Therefore, within Islam it is believed that only God has knowledge of the future.
However, there are websites which are intended for Christians and Muslims who practice astrology. If you’d like to read more on this topic the following websites might be useful. Thanks for your comment by the way!
Muslim Astrology:
Christian Astrology: